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Window Machines News

How to Produce a Complete Window and Door

Windows are a necessity in people's lives, and they are divided into different types of windows according to different classification standards, such as wooden doors and windows, aluminum doors and windows, plastic doors and windows and composite doors and windows according to production materials.

According to the different opening methods, they are divided into: sliding windows, casement windows, hanging windows and fixed windows. According to function, they are divided into thermal insulation windows, fireproof windows and sound insulation windows.

A complete window consists of the following parts:

Composed of profiles, glass, hardware and accessories.

Based on the above four components, let’s mainly introduce the production process of windows:

According to the design drawing of the window, first use a cutting saw to cut different size frames, sash and mullion. Then according to different processing techniques, process different holes and grooves, such as water-slot holes, mullion holes, glue injection holes, pin holes, handle holes, end milling tenoning, frame and sash assembly, hardware parts installation, glass installation, complete product assembly, inspection and storage.

The above is the whole system door and window production process, including door and window assembly, door and window quality inspection, protection and packaging.

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Contact: Celine Chan

Phone: 0086-156-8969-7169

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